PayPal Donation
The "PayPal Donation" module is a great module if you are collecting for fundraisers or looking for donations to a cause near and dear to your heart. The module allows for you to choose up to 8 ammounts clients can prechoose for donating, as well as allowing the donator to choose their own ammount. if they choose the checkbox that says "Other" they can then input the amount in the text box beside it and enter in the amount they wish to donate.
*Please note - you are able to choose from many different country currencies - the following are the current countries listed.
U.S. Dollars, Australian Dollars, Canadian Dollars, Czech Koruna, Danish Kroner, Euros, Hong Kong Dollars, Hungarian Forint, New Zealand Dollars, Norwegian Kroner, Polish Zlotych, Pounds Sterling, Singapore Dollars, Swedish Kronor, Swiss Francs, Yen.
When clients choose their ammount (or enter their own) and click on "Make a donation" button, they will then be prompted to a PayPal checkout screen.
Once they review the amount, they can then click on the continue button and follow the prompts for checking out.
It is that simple!
*Please note - you will need to have a PayPal account to use this module. The accounts can be set up easily by going to PayPal Create An Account